Taking a Walk
Taking a walk is so much fun.
We don’t hurry;
we don’t run.
We watch for birds; we watch
for bees.
We look for all the falling leaves.
by Mary Jackson Ellis
Taking a walk is so much fun.
We don’t hurry;
we don’t run.
We watch for birds; we watch
for bees.
We look for all the falling leaves.
by Mary Jackson Ellis
Praise to you, my Lord, and to all beings of your creation!
Praise especially to brother sun,
who fills the day with light
— through whom you shine!
Beautiful and bright, magnificent with splendor,
He shows us your Face.
Praise to my Lord for sister moon
and for the stars.
You have formed them in the firmament,
fine and rare and fair.
Praise to you, Lord, for brother wind,
for the air, for the clouds,
for fair days and every turn of weather
— through which you feed the world.
The Canticle of Brother Sun
by Francis of Assisi
Italija. Assisi. Mesto, ki se zarisuje na pobočju hriba, obdano s poljanami rdečega maka in nasadi sivih oljk. Vse je tako preprosto lepo! Sveti Frančišek in sveta Klara sta se nekoč tukaj nesebično razdajala za reveže in vse, ki so potrebovali pomoč. Dajeta nam sporočilo preprostosti in veselja do življenja. Ponovno se zaveš, da bogastvo človeka ni v materialnih dobrinah pač pa v tem, da se vsako jutro razveseliš novega dne, ki ti je podarjen. Da se veseliš lepih rož na travniku, pikapolonic, toče, dežja, sonca, vetra… Ljubkih umetniških trgovinic. Kosa super pice s tuno. Odprtih Italijank, ki od navdušenja kar lupčkajo najino Ruto. Pa prijazne gospe, ki se nič ne jezi, ko pozabiš ključ na notranji strani zaklenjenih vrat in je potrebno v sobo vlomiti. Pa poplavljene kopalnice. Pa jagod za zajtrk. Pa uličnega gospoda, ki že vrsto let živi po vzoru sv. Frančiška in hodi bos po mestu v vseh letnih časih. Pravi, da tako bolje čuti zemljo pod sabo.
Assisi. Kraj, kjer se spomnimo, da je življenje veliko bolj preprosto, kot se nam včasih zdi.
May the snow beneath your skis
run as fast as watered silk,
may the cold air kiss your cheeks,
turn them red as summer’s roses.
May the rivers always flow
with their unexpected beauty,
the first freshets of snowmelt,
the rush of early spring. May you always walk in gladness
through whatever path or highway;
may you always walk within the golden circle of your love.
New Beginnings, Barbara Crooker
A moment of happiness,
you and I sitting on the verandah,
apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.
We feel the flowing water of life here,
you and I, with the garden’s beauty
and the birds singing.
The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
what it is to be a thin crescent moon.
You and I unselfed, will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
and in another form in a timeless sweet land.
Sama sva na svetu – ti in jaz.
To je vedno tako, kadar ljubimo.
Povej mi dosti lepih besed, nabrati jih morava za vse življenje:
najina ljubezen je večna. To je vedno tako, kadar ljubimo.
V posteljo najinih dlani položiva svet, da se spočije, da se ogreje od najinega diha.
Ves svet je v najinih rokah, v najinih prepletenih prstih –
vedno je tako, kadar ljubimo.
Neža Maurer
Not sure if you know this but when we first met I got so nervous I couldn’t speak.
In that very moment I found the one and my life had found its missing piece.
So as long as I live I love you will have and hold you.
You look so beautiful in white. And from now til my very last breath this day I’ll cherish.
You look so beautiful in white. Tonight.
What we have is timeless, my love is endless and with this ring I say to the world:
you’re my every reason, you’re all that I believe in with all my heart I mean every word.
So as long as I live I love you, will have and hold you. You look so beautiful in white.
And from now til my very last breath this day I’ll cherish.
You look so beautiful in white. Tonight.
Westlife – Beautiful in White